Rescue Dog Helps Feed 30 Stray Cats On Her Daily Walks Around The Neighborhood

Rescue Dog Helps Feed 30 Stray Cats On Her Daily Walks Around The Neighborhood

Rescue Dog Helps Feed 30 Stray Cats On Her Daily Walks Around The Neighborhood

This young couple from Athens own a beautiful dog called Meli. Just like every dog owner they love to take her out and have long walks with her. Along the path, they’d encounter some cats, and one they they decided to bring some food along and feed them. Soon, the cats started to recognize them, and whenever they would see Meli they’d approach waiting to be fed.

The lovely pooch became like a signal for cats! A signal that they were to get some food. This turned into a daily responsibility for this couple. The cats started following them around, and in a way the “formed” new colonies of stray cats that approached the neighborhood.

After some time they decided to take this more seriously and they neutered 99% of the cats in the neighborhood. They also care for their health! All this lead to the formation of SCARS, a Greek charity involved in cat rescue!

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