This Adorable Cat Started Life In A Puppy Mill, But Now She Makes Her Owner Happy Every Day

This Adorable Cat Started Life In A Puppy Mill, But Now She Makes Her Owner Happy Every Day

Adorable cat rescued from a horrible puppy mill is getting a second chance at life

Meet Athena! No, not the Greek goddess, although they both seem to be immortal so the name is very appropriate. This beautiful cat was born in a puppy mill, of all places. The mill was owned by a person who had already been been arrested and convicted of animal cruelty! Luckily he was stopped again! Athena was found there among many puppies. She was in a very bad condition! She had respiratory problems and her eyes were swollen from infection!
Now though, this fluffy cat has become a PR! She is a spokesperson, or should we say a spokescat, devoted to raising awareness about the plight for animals in puppy mills! You need to see this spectacular transformation!

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