They Approach A Stray Dog Licking Her Backside, But When Then They Get Closer? SHOCKING!!

They Approach A Stray Dog Licking Her Backside, But When Then They Get Closer? SHOCKING!!

This dog rescue story will break your heart into a million pieces ...then put them back together!

This is a story about Missy, a beautiful pooch from India. Missy’s life on the streets certainly wasn’t an easy one. When she was discovered by Animal Aid, she was lying under a car constantly licking her rear. Having noticed that, the volunteers approached to take a better look. They were stunned by what they saw!

It turned out that this wonderful, but unfortunate pup had a huge cancerous venereal tumor! The tumor was open and painful and she was constantly licking it. It did not look good at all! She was definitely not in a good shape, and her chances of survival were slim. In spite of all that, the people who found her knew that they had to at least try!

4 months of nursing care and chemotherapy later, a miracle happened! Watch this video to see how Missy is doing now!

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