Before you consider buying a dog, think about adopting one. Millions of shelter dogs are desperate for this guy.
Before you consider buying a dog, think about adopting one. Shelters are full of abandoned dogs that are not receiving proper care, or love that they deserve, so why not give that to them.They are not less worthy because they are older, or because they are mixed breed. If you have a kid that wants a pet, why not go to a shelter and choose a pet there. The kid would get a wonderful friend, and the dog would get the love that it yearns for.
This video tells a story about Bandit. He was discovered at a kill shelter with a large tumor on one of his hind legs. After being adopted, this beautiful pooch had his tumor excised, and recovered well.
Having endured so much struggle and pain, he finally got a home and a family worthy of himself. He experienced love and kindness for the first time in his life. The person who adopted him got something even better – a most faithful friend and companion that will be forever grateful for this wonderful deed. Watch this video to see how Bandit is finally enjoying his life.
Soo sad when their old and never had love. Tears