My Heart STOPPED When The Wolf Jumped On This Puppy. But Then? I Can’t Believe My Eyes…

My Heart STOPPED When The Wolf Jumped On This Puppy. But Then? I Can’t Believe My Eyes…

A huge wolf grabs this German Shepherd puppy by the neck. What happens next is unbelievable!

Most people think that wolves are evil creatures, but we like to think that they are just following their survival instincts. It may come as a surprise but they can also be cute and cuddly. No matter how ferocious an animal may appear, their gentle side always comes out when they are taking care of the little ones, even if they aren’t of the same species.
Smokey here (3/4 wolf-1/4 malamute mix) defies the stereotypes about wolves as ruthless predators when he starts playing with a German Shepherd puppy. This is one of the most adorable play fightings you will ever see!

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