Their Dog Went Missing In The Woods. 6 Years Later, They Receive The Call They’ve Been Waiting For

Their Dog Went Missing In The Woods. 6 Years Later, They Receive The Call They’ve Been Waiting For

This story made me cry like a baby...

Six years is not a lot for humans, but for a dog it’s half a life span! That’s like 40 years for an average person!

Maisy is a beautiful Beagle who had been separated from her family for exactly six years! When she was 6 years old she followed the Helland family’s children in the woods and unfortunately got lost.

Parker, the youngest member of the family, was just 4 years old at the time and Maisy was his first pet! He was absolutely heartbroken by her disappearance. He used to search the woods and put up flyers trying to find Maisy. He also said that he would pray all night for God to bring her back. He prayed every night for over a year!

During the years that followed the incident they often thought about her but they also had to accept that they might never see her again. Then, out of nowhere, they received a phone call from Young Williams Animal Center! Something incredible happened! Namely, they found Maisy, and she was now in their facility waiting for her family to come back to get her.

Even though she was 12 years old, Maisy remembered her original family and had an incredibly emotional reunion with them. It had been 6 years since they last saw her, however, some of her habits remained the same! Watch this video to witness this heartwarming reunion!

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