This Blind Dog Was Rescued From A Horrific Puppy Mill. Now He Makes Kids Smile All Day!

This Blind Dog Was Rescued From A Horrific Puppy Mill. Now He Makes Kids Smile All Day!

Living at a puppy mill, he was blind and helpless. Then fate intervened and everything changed!

Smiley was born without eyes and he spent the first two years of his life in a puppy mill. It goes without saying that this resulted in him being a very traumatized pooch. He was scared of everyone and everything, which is very common with dogs coming from puppy mills!

Then, a wonderful lady adopted him and changed his life forever! Smiley responded in the same way! He changed her life and the lives of many people he came in contact with. He has done more than a lot of people have done, he has made a difference! What a wonderful creature! You have to see this!

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