He Placed A Homemade Whack-A-Mole Game In Front Of His Cat. What The Cat Did Next? Priceless!
Cats are adorable creatures. You never know what’s going on in their minds since they have a stoic and expressionless face most of the times. But nevertheless, the things that they do can always make you laugh out loud. They aren’t very far behind their doggy counterparts when it comes to the entertainment factor either! Take for example the adorable video below!This guy made a homemade whack-a-mole game for himself. But he decided to try it out on his cat first. When the cat sees the box in front of him, he tries his best to catch the “animal” that pops up from the hole, but all in vain! He looks on in confusion, but despite his many tries, he just can’t catch the animal. What makes the video even more adorable is the appearance of his canine friend. The pooch is all set to help his kitty out!
Watch this cute clip below! Isn’t that precious? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!
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