Labrador Stands In The Pool For No Reason. LOL, I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Labrador Stands In The Pool For No Reason. LOL, I Can’t Stop Laughing!

Labrador Amuses His Owner When He Starts Standing In The Pool Instead Of Swimming!

Summer months are amazing – but sometimes they can take a heavy toll on your body. Some of us can’t stand the heat as well as our counterparts. All we want to do is stay in the swimming pool and waste the day away. And it looks like this precious pooch in the video below agrees with us!

This little Labrador is named Cody and he loves hanging out in the pool. But every time he gets in, he has a habit of doing something very weird. Instead of swimming, this hilarious dog just stands in it! According to his owner, once he realized that he can reach the bottom of the pool, he frequently stands up. By the looks of it, he seems to be expecting his owner to give him a treat or play with him!

Watch this precious video below! Isn’t he adorable? Let us know what you thought about it in the comments section!

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