Man Finds An Ingenious Way To Rescue A Litter Of Puppies From The Flood

Man Finds An Ingenious Way To Rescue A Litter Of Puppies From The Flood

Man Rescues A Litter Of Puppy All At Once With His Innovative Plan

According to Red Cross, the floods in Louisiana have been known as one of the worst natural disasters in the United States since Hurricane Sandy. Many inches of rain poured down, and within a few hours, it managed to sweep away cars and even houses. It also took lives. People have started vacating in order to remain safe from the devastating calamity.

The video below features a man evacuating his house with his litter of pups in tow. It would have been tough to rescue the pooches one by one. So this man decided using a very effective method. He used an air mattress and transferred all the little dachshunds from the mattress to his car.

Watch the video below. What did you think about this? Let us know in the comments section!

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