You Haven’t Seen Cute Till You See This Adorable Nap Time Pair. I’m MELTING!

You Haven’t Seen Cute Till You See This Adorable Nap Time Pair. I’m MELTING!

Prepare yourself - what you are about to see here is too precious for words...oh, my heart!

We know we often say that something is “the cutest thing we’ve ever seen”. We admit it! And we always mean it, but this time we mean it more than ever! Here it goes… THIS IS THE CUTEST VIDEO WE HAVE EVER SEEN! If North Pole could see this video all of its ice caps would melt instantly! So, we must keep this video away from the North Pole at all costs. Global warming is already doing that job, and it doesn’t need any help.

What are the two cutest things you can imagine? For us nothing gets much cuter than small animals and little babies sleeping. Now imagine combining those two! It’s bound to be a cuteness overload! In this video we can see a little baby napping while hugging a miniature Yorkshire Terrier! They just both look like they are in heaven! You really have to see this!

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