A Horse And Her Baby Were Dying In The Snow. Then A Stranger Comes Up And Does The UNTHINKABLE

A Horse And Her Baby Were Dying In The Snow. Then A Stranger Comes Up And Does The UNTHINKABLE

How could anyone do this to an animal? Bless this guy for intervening!

If you need motivation in your life, look no further than the story of a mare named Macy and her foal Loca.They, together with two other horses were found in the freezing weather, exhausted and sick, in an icy field in England.

The babies were managing to survive thanks to feeding off of their mothers but the mares, and especially Macy almost gave up all hope.When the veterinarian listened to her heartbeat it was so weak they thought she would have to be put to sleep.
Was it knowing that her foal needs her or something else but Macy found a spark of strength in her battered body and continued to fight.You won’t be able to believe how she looks only 6 months after being rescued.

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