His Brother Passed Away In His Sleep. You’ll Be Crying When You See This Dog’s Touching Reaction!

His Brother Passed Away In His Sleep. You’ll Be Crying When You See This Dog’s Touching Reaction!

This Poor Dog Just Lost His Twin Brother. His Reaction? HEARTBREAKING!

Many people still believe that animals don’t have any feelings. But this video is going to prove all you doubters wrong. The Rottweiler in the video below is called Brutus. And the one lying next to him is his twin brother Hank. Brutus woke up to find that his brother passed away during the night. The poor guy does not want to leave his brother and he just won’t budge.

The owner says that “Brutus has never whined or cried out in pain the two years I have had him…But clearly you can see in his eyes, he is crying for his brother who had passed as his world around him just crumbled.” This clearly shows that animals do have lots of emotions in them as well. The grief-stricken look on Brutus’ face is extremely heartbreaking.

Watch this touching video below. What do you want to say to those people that think animals don’t have feelings and emotions? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!

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