San Francisco Passes New Pet Store Law, And Animal Lovers Are Screaming With Happiness

San Francisco Passes New Pet Store Law, And Animal Lovers Are Screaming With Happiness

This is incredible news for all the animal lovers!

This is some incredible news! As you know, we have always been vocal supporters of adopting dogs instead of buying them. The reason being of course to find homes for thousands of rescued dogs, and to discourage illegal breeding.

Well, from now on we are going to start supporting buying dogs but only in San Francisco!

Why this change in attitude? Under the new rule, passed by the local authorities, pet stores in San Francisco are banned from selling non-rescue dogs and cats! In other words, they can only sell rescue dogs and cats, and but they can also sell small puppies acquired from responsible breeders.

This legislation is expected to help thousands of animals living in local shelters! Great job San Francisco! Other cities throughout the USA have also passed similar acts, so let’s hope many others follow in their footsteps!

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