She Grabs Her Cat. But I Kept Staring At The Screen When He Turned His Head And Revealed THIS!

She Grabs Her Cat. But I Kept Staring At The Screen When He Turned His Head And Revealed THIS!

Keep Your Eyes On His Head. THIS Is Unbelievable!

This cat featured in the video below is unlike any cat you have ever seen. His name is Frank and Louie, and he has two heads in one body. Cats with defects like Frank and Louise are called Janus cat; Janus is a two faced Roman God. At first, everyone thought that this cat wouldn’t live for long as it was always the case with the deformed animals. However, he fought all the odds and he lived a healthy life with his lovely owner Ms. Stevens.

‘Frank and Louise’ was nearly euthanized when Ms. Stevens decided to take him in. She says that she would adopt Frank and Louise again if she got the chance. This Janus cat took his last breath after 15 years of living happy life with their owner. The cause of his death is assumed to be cancer.

Check out this rare cat in the video below. Share your thoughts about this video through your comments below!

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