This Guy Sledding With His Cat Is One Of The Most Glorious Moments Of 2017 So Far

This Guy Sledding With His Cat Is One Of The Most Glorious Moments Of 2017 So Far

My cat would scratch my face off if I tried to do this with her....LOL

Snow means so many things to people, for some it’s trouble, for others it’s a sign of great fun to be had! Sledding, snowballing, skiing! And everything looks so beautiful in snow! But what does it mean for animals. For stray animals it usually spells trouble, for most home animals it means staying inside in front of the fire or a radiator.

There are some animals though that absolutely adore snow! But how many animals have you seen that actually love sledding? This cat certainly does! Look at her holding onto his owner’s shoulder as they speed down the slope! She is loving it!! She’s perched up there like some kind of a ship or cavalry captain, shouting, “Onward, human! For king and glory!” Glorious video!

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