They Put This Panda In Her Cell. Now Watch The Mother’s Reaction. WHOA!

They Put This Panda In Her Cell. Now Watch The Mother’s Reaction. WHOA!

Momma Panda Starts To Nurse Her Baby After Reuniting With Him

Some animals are known to harm their own children. People at the Taipei City Zoo, Taiwan thought that this was the case for the momma panda in the video. They kept her baby away from her at first because of the possibility of her harming her child.

The video below shows the panda meeting with its baby in a controlled environment at the City Zoo. She first grabs the baby with her mouth, and later puts it onto her lap. Then, to everyone’s surprise, she starts to nurse her baby. What an incredible moment to witness!

Watch the video below. What did you feel? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

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