I really wasn't expecting THIS!
Cats are mysterious, but the one thing that we know for sure about these detached creatures is that they are in love with themselves – and also boxes. We can see them trying their hardest to fit into boxes that are ridiculously smaller than themselves, and it is hilarious!But it seems this infatuation with boxes is evident not only domestic cats, but also wild cats as well! The people from Big Cat rescue decided to find out if this trait is prevalent in lions, leopards, tigers, and lynxes as well….and guess what? Cats are cats. I melted when I saw these wild beasts playing around with cardboard boxes! I really like the creative names they have given to these beautiful animals! You will love to see them relax and demolish those poor boxes to shreds!
Watch the video below. My favorite was Rusty, what about yours? Let us know your thoughts about this video in the comments!
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