They Found This Dog In Their Yard, But No One Was Prepared For What Happened Next

They Found This Dog In Their Yard, But No One Was Prepared For What Happened Next

This is the best thing you’ll see all day, especially if you love dogs...

When I think of the people at Hope for paws I have to say that we are all lucky to have such wonderful people in this world. In the following story you’ll see them rescuing a pit bull mom who has just given birth to her puppies in the back yard. They secured the yard and got the dog while they gathered all the puppies. Unfortunately, one of the puppies had passed.

The next step was to take them to the Veterinary Care Center and see if they are all right. Unfortunately, something was wrong with the mom but when you are surrounded with professionals there is no doubt everything would be fine. They named the mom Lexus, and her babies Beamer, Prius, Mercedes and Cooper. Check out this video to see the end of this wonderful rescue.

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