This Cutie Was Stuck In A Storm Drain For 33 Hours. What These People Did To Save It Is Incredible.

This Cutie Was Stuck In A Storm Drain For 33 Hours. What These People Did To Save It Is Incredible.

This will restore your faith in humanity.

These guys were on their way home when they heard faint cries coming from a storm drain in a nearby parking lot. The drain was so tight they had to drop one guy head first just to see what they were dealing with and it turned out it was a small kitty which apparently fell in and was too afraid to come to its rescuers. With the storm coming and no way to reach it, there was nothing they could do but leave some cat food and pray it would survive the night.

When you see how far these people went to save this baby will restore your faith in humanity. And the kitty? Well, you’ll have to watch until the end to see its cute little face. That face was definitely worth all the effort.

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