Owner Tried To Annoy His Cat. But Wait Till You See What The Cat Does In Response! LOL!

Owner Tried To Annoy His Cat. But Wait Till You See What The Cat Does In Response! LOL!

Watch How She Pushes His Hand Away…

Cats are strange creatures. You can never correctly guess what they are thinking. Sometimes they are friendly as can be, and at other times they just don’t want to come near you at all. Cat owners love playing with their adorable little kitties, but sometimes the felines don’t share the sentiment. Take for example the video given below!

This precious cat is named Lucy and she is probably one of the laziest creatures you will come across. She was hanging out and relaxing in the yard with her owner. But that’s when her owner decided to annoy her a bit. The cat however was taking none of it. She didn’t like being picked on with a piece of grass, so did her best to push the human’s hand away!

Watch this adorable video below! Did Lucy make you smile? Share what you thought about the clip in the comments!

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