Horse Was Being Trampled On By Three Baby Goats. But His Next Move? UNBELIEVABLE!

Horse Was Being Trampled On By Three Baby Goats. But His Next Move? UNBELIEVABLE!

When Three Baby Goats Wouldn’t Stop Jumping On THIS Horse, Watch What He Did Next—OMG!

It is no secret that younger people have more energy. As the years go by, their bodies change and so does their environment. As we grow older, we find naptime exciting and regret all the years we took napping from granted. The little goats in the following video are a perfect example of the energy of youth. Just check them out below!

Three baby goats had a ton of energy to spend. They can be seen jumping all around and even stepping on a farm horse. The horse, named Mr. G, was very patient with them. Seriously though, this horse has the patience of a saint. Even while being trampled on by hyperactive kids, he is so calm and composed. He must be the best babysitter on the farm!

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