They Tested This Crow’s Intelligence. But WHAT The Crow Did Next BLEW Them Away!

They Tested This Crow’s Intelligence. But WHAT The Crow Did Next BLEW Them Away!

I Can't Believe The Crow Actually Did THIS!

Whoever underestimates the intelligence of birds will surely change their mind after seeing this video. Dr. Alex Taylor, a researcher who specifically researches about the wild birds in this video is testing the intelligence of a crow. This crow, nicknamed agent ‘007’ is facing a specific type of test which will give the research a new finding about its intelligence. Even though this crow has seen small versions of this test at certain times before, it has never seen all eight components of the test all at once. Now, as Dr. Taylor observes, he finds the most intriguing result that he has ever seen in his whole researching career.

Unlike other wild birds, crows are thought to be the most intelligent. Even in the group of most intelligent animals after humans, crows are often mentioned. Their adaptation skill and cognitive mapping skill is truly fascinating.

Watch this interesting test conducted on a crow and its jaw dropping result. Did this astonish you? Share your thoughts with us in your comments!

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